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Question 16. "Please try to find a way to stop all this fighting and just get Michigan on the counseling compact…how close are we to this?"

5. Organizational Legitimacy and Recognition:

Answer: There are two different parts of this question that are important to address.

We agree with you about finding a way to stop this conflict. However, there is not a lot of room for compromise because there is a fundamental disagreement that is irreconcilable. This isn’t simply about “infighting,” it is about unethical and potentially illegal behavior or misuse of member dues that appears to have been uncovered.

Our view is that this organization’s purpose is to serve the membership and advocate for our profession (members) and our clients. Mr. Blundo and his associates appear to believe that they own MMHCA and it should be there for their personal benefit.

The second part of the question involves the Compact. As mentioned elsewhere, we are following the development of the Compact and actively analyzing and discussing the benefits and costs of joining it. There are also political realities in which some politicians (including the Governor) are not comfortable with putting the authority of the Compact rules above the laws of the State of Michigan, which is part of joining the Compact.

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