Question 8. "What is happening with MMHCA funds while this is going on?"
3. Membership Status and Dues:
Answer: If you are a paid member with MMHCA your dues are safe and are only being used for MMHCA expenses which are detailed in the monthly financial report treasurer, Krystin Sankey, gives to the Board. The dues that are paid to MMHCA are secure, and we have proper financial controls in place. All dues are solely used for official MMHCA purposes - the mission of supporting, educating, advocating, representing and protecting Licensed Professional Counselors. Maintaining a paid lobbyist is essential to stay informed of legal or licensure issues that can impact our profession and to advocate for LPCs at the state level. The elected Board has a contract with our lobbyist, Acuitas, which costs $1670 each month and is the main expense member dues are used to fund at this time.
Mr. Blundo refused to relinquish the MMHCA Bank accounts that have over $79,000 in them. He and the bookkeeper, Ms. Mike, had sole access to the bank accounts until we showed the bank that there was an elected board, and the bank subsequently froze the account. Luckily he cannot spend that money.